The Cazalet Group
Transactive Energy: A Business and Regulatory Model For Electricity (ibook for Apple iPad and Mac)
- June 30, 2014
Transactive Energy: Public Policy and Market Design - GWAC Transactive Energy Conference - May 23, 2013
A Transactive Energy Roadmap , 2013 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Feb 25, 2013
Transactive Device Architecture and Opportunities - Grid Interop December 5, 2012
Draft Transactive Energy US Roadmap (Presented to Gridwise Architecture Council) October 31, 2012 (5 MB)
Draft Transactive Energy US Roadmap (.25 MB)
Automated Transactive Energy (TeMIX) - Grid Interop December 5, 2011.
TeMIX: A Foundation for Transactive Energy in a Smart Grid World (Grid Interop November 30, 2010)
Transactional Energy : A Foundation for Smart Dynamic Pricing of Electricity ( Connectivity Week) - May 27, 2010
Tranactional Energy Market Information Exchange White Paper (TeMIX) - May 23,2010
Smart Grid Comments to FERC on the Integration of Variable Energy Resources (VERS)
Smart Price Signals for the Smart Grid: Dynamic Forward Pricing (US-China Green Energy Council) April 29, 2009
Evening Out Renewables - Guest Editorial April 17, 2009
Smart Markets for the Smart Grid : Dynamic Forward Pricing (GridEcon 2009)
California 2020 Vision : GigaWatts of Fast Deep and Clean Storage ( March 2009)
Enabling 24-7 Automated Demand Response and the Smart Grid Using Forward Price Offers - ISO-RTO Council August 2007
Evolution of Power Markets - ISO RTO Boards & FERC (May 24, 2006)
Transmission & Energy Exchange (TEX) for ERCOT (Oct 2003)
E-Commerce for All Electricity Products: Public Utilities Fortnightly, 2000
Simplified Bidding for WEPEX (1996 Design for California - 5 MB)
Power Market Decision Analysis Model - PMDAM (1991 - 2 MB))
Generalized Equilibrium Modeling: The Methodology of the SRI-Gulf Energy Model (1977 - 7 MB)
Decomposition of Complex Decision Problems with Applications to Electric Power System Planning, Stanford PhD Thesis, 1970 (2 MB)